Happiness And Success Is In Your Hands

Your future happiness and success can rest on your handshake.

How do people get a simple thing like a handshake so wrong? It is surprising fact that we remember bad handshakes, sometimes for a long while. This just goes to show how important we regard them.

Handshaking, as a greeting, has been around for a long time. Humans are social animals and a warm tactile touch is essential for social interaction. Handshaking is common but not universal. In some cultures a hug is prefered to handshaking, in others a short bow is a more polite greeting. Middle Eastern woman must … Read the full article

Grow To A Million Dollars


The nice thing about working on your personal growth is that when you make a concerted, dedicated effort to improve some part of your life, there’s an excellent chance that you will succeed in the long run. You may have a lot of gunk to clear out in terms of limiting beliefs, and you may be starting from a disadvantaged position, but given enough time, it’s entirely possible to completely rework some part of your life for the better.

For example, you have the potential to go from rags to riches, from shy to socially confident, or from unhealthy to

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Dissolving Limiting Beliefs


As one of our final stops before we do the passive income walkthrough, you must address limiting beliefs, which could seriously hold you back from achieving your goals if you don’t take steps to address them.

Types of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs come in a variety of forms. Here are some of the most common.

If-then beliefs

  • If I try to start a new passive income stream, I’ll fail, and that would be bad.
  • If I express interest in someone, I’ll get rejected.
  • If I succeed in a big way, my friends won’t like me as much.

Universal Beliefs

  • People
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Banish Frustration


If you’re feeling frustrated, it means you’re holding a vibe that aligns with a reality that you don’t want.

How do you create the vibe of frustration? It’s pretty easy. Simply observe your reality, and then resist or reject some aspect of it. Look at your financial situation, and resist it. Look at your job, and resist it. Look at your relationship (or lack thereof), and resist it.

Once you’re holding the frustration vibe, you’ve locked in your resistance. So reality responds accordingly. It says, “Oh… you’re holding a vibe that aligns with what you don’t want. So here’s plenty

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If a lack of clarity prevents you from taking action, then find or develop a process to gain sufficient clarity to act. Stop acting like this is an unsolvable problem. yout isn’t.

One basic method begins with writing a mission statement that encapsulates the core purpose of your life.

Mission Statement

Your mission statement is your proposed contract with life. your basically answers two questions:

  1. What do you want to contribute?
  2. What do you want to receive?

For example your business mission statement could be:

  • to explore, clarify, and elegantly codify conscious growth
  • to challenge the status quo, to take
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Friends Boost Your Wealth


If you want to be an effective entrepreneur, You should have at least 10 good friends who are already successful entrepreneurs. If that sounds like a lot to you,  something is very wrong with your mindset.

Few entrepreneurs succeed in isolation. Business is a social game.

Much of the money made in business (and in life overall) actually came from other businesses. The other half would be directly from consumers.

You would need a lot of individual customers to match what one good business deal can do. How many individual customers would do more than $1 million worth of business

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Permanent Brain Gain In A Few Minutes


Inside your skull is a massive supercomputer. You own it free and clear. With its 100 billion neurons, and with a typical neuron linking to 1000 to 10,000 other neurons, your highly networked brain is incredibly powerful and capable.

Pick up a simple object nearby like a pen or a spoon, and look at it. Turn it upside down. Spin it around. Notice that your brain is able to recognize the object no matter how you position it. You can change the lighting by putting the object in shadow. You can obscure part of it from view. You can bend

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Shifting Your Vibration to Manifest Your Desires


You are not a physical being in a physical universe. You are an energetic/vibrational being in an energetic/vibrational universe. You are both a transmitter and a receiver of energy.

One of your greatest challenges as a human being is learning how to live as a vibrational being in a vibrational universe.

Attracting Compatible Patterns

You don’t attract into your life what you want. You don’t attract what you think about. You don’t attract what you feel. Desires, thoughts, and feelings are all important, but these are more effects than causes.

You attract what you’re signaling.

Think of yourself as a

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How to Manifest Money


This article is going to focus specifically on the how-to aspects of manifesting money.


The most important aspect of manifesting money is to approach it from the right heartset. Think of your heartset as the overall vibe of your relationship to the activity of attracting money. How would you describe that relationship? Is it greedy, needy, excited, hopeful, etc?

If you approach this process from a place of neediness, clinginess, scarcity, or too much seriousness, you’ll most likely fail. That’s the right vibe for attracting nothing — or for making things worse by attracting unwanted expenses — but it’s

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The End Game of Passive Income


Let’s talk about the reality of what it’s like to create streams of passive income and how it compares to working at a regular job. What is here may surprise you.

With a typical job, you’re more or less directly trading your working hours for dollars. You may receive an hourly wage, a salary, and/or bonuses for the time you put in at work. Your ongoing pay depends on your continued presence at work. If you stop working, your paycheck stops as well.

With passive income you’ll often get paid nothing at first. Initially you work to create and/or leverage

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