Streams To Wealth


Passive income can be defined fairly broadly as a stream of revenue you earn even when you aren’t actively working. Another name for passive income is residual income.

By contrast active income is money that stops coming to you when you stop working. If you get paid a salary and you quit your job or get laid off, most likely you’ll stop getting paid. You may get a severance package to help you transition, but your boss won’t keep paying your salary unless you keep showing up for work.

Similarly, if you do contract work for clients who pay

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Grab Your Inspiration Out Of The Air Waves


Ask yourself, “What is the inspiration of this moment? What am I inspired to do now? What is the next wave of energy?”

Pause and listen for a moment, but not with your ears. Listen like a radio antenna listens for a radio signal. When you catch the edge of the signal, tune into its frequency. Let it become stronger, louder, clearer, just as you might manually tune an analog radio dial.

Recognize that you’re an analog being too. You don’t simply press a button and lock into inspiration immediately. You have to tune into the signal.

You may perceive

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Let Your Old World Collapse


Are you contemplating a major career or lifestyle transition. Your story have many variations, but they typically have these elements in common:

  • dissatisfaction with their current work or lifestyle (or lack of meaningful work)
  • feeling that they’re on the wrong path (possibly for years)
  • feeling of being on a treadmill that goes nowhere
  • feeling of stress linked to their situation (sometimes dreading going to work)
  • feeling that something needs to change and that the clock is ticking
  • feeling of pressure to get something going
  • desire to contribute in a way that that feels inspired, meaningful, and fulfilling
  • desire to make
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Step Up Your Consciousness


In the book Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, there’s a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. It’s an interesting paradigm. If you read the book, it’s also fairly easy to figure out where you fall on this hierarchy based on your current life situation.

From low to high, the levels of consciousness are: shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace, enlightenment.

While we can pop in and out of different levels at various times, usually there’s a predominant “normal” state for us. If you’re reading this blog, chances are

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The Power Of Eleven Eleven Again and Again


11:11 tends to be discussed mainly in private, among people who are already familiar with it or those who are just awakening to it. A few people, including Uri Geller, have spoken about it, but most of the material on 11:11 tends to be fairly obscure.

What Is 11:11?

There are many levels on which to explain 11:11. I’ll start with the most basic physically observable level and move up from there. This will take a bit of explaining.

11 is a number of course, and 11:11 is a time on a clock. Some very small percentage of people will

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Stamp On Complaining Now


Perhaps the most important step in quitting the habit of complaining is to disconnect the undesirable behavior from your identity.  A common mistake chronic complainers make is to self-identify with the negative thoughts running through their minds.  Such a person might admit, “I know I’m responsible for my thoughts, but I don’t know how to stop myself from thinking negatively so often.”  That seems like a step in the right direction, and to a certain degree it is, but it’s also a trap.  It’s good to take responsibility for your thoughts, but you don’t want to identify with those thoughts

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Turn A Negative Into A Postive


Suppose you have the bad habit of dwelling too much on the same negative thoughts.  And suppose there’s no outward physical manifestation associated to them.  It’s just negative thinking, like “I’m so depressed” or “I hate my job” or “I can’t do this” or “I hate being fat.”  How do you break a bad habit when it’s entirely in your mind?

There are actually quite a number of ways to decondition a negative thought pattern.  The basic idea is to replace the old pattern with a new one.  Mentally resisting the negative thought will usually backfire — you’ll simply reinforce

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Money Floods Into Your Door During A Recession


A recession is possibly the best time to launch a new business or to expand an existing one. It’s also a great time to get ahead in your career. This sounds counter-intuitive at first.

First, the media goes nuts during a recession. They turn a little bit of negativity into a mountain of pessimism. This makes a lot of people financially paranoid. People become socially conditioned to expect the worst.

If you buy into this social hysteria, you become a victim too.

But if you tune out such stupidity (not watching TV helps a lot) and maintain a grip on … Read the full article

What Are You Doing Here?


How do you discover your real purpose in life? This is not talking about your job, your daily responsibilities, or even your long-term goals. This mean the real reason why you’re here at all — the very reason you exist.

Perhaps you’re a rather nihilistic person who doesn’t believe you have a purpose and that life has no meaning. Doesn’t matter. Not believing that you have a purpose won’t prevent you from discovering it, just as a lack of belief in gravity won’t prevent you from tripping. All that a lack of belief will do is make it take longer.

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Tips to Enjoy A College Experience

Here are ten tips to help you create a productive and memorable college experience and to enjoy this unique time in your life. They encompass all aspects of college life and cover time management, goals, allocating load,  interaction with staff, memory techniques and leisure. Work through the tips and apply them to and make your college eductation stress free and easy.

1. Answer the question, “Why am I going to college?”

Many college students really do not have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they do not know what else to do yet. They may … Read the full article


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