Are You Using Real Visualization

Visualization is like anything else the more you practise it the better you get. However, there is one thing that can stand in your way and that is the difference between what is real and what is imagined.

Take the example of visualizing an abundance of money. You may imagine yourself walking into the bank with a large bundle of cash, taking it to the teller station, placing it on the counter and watching the as the credit to your account is entered. You walk out with a receipt slip showing the large deposit amount.

The imagined scenario may not … Read the full article

Want to Be a Better Public Speaker – Silence is a gift

Many speakers are nervous when they start their presentations and sadly many do not overcome their nerves during the course of their presentation. Typical symptoms are speaking faster at an ever-increasing rate and forgetting to breathe. During the latter, the brain receives less oxygen and the ensuing brain fog clouds the presentation. Take a pause to breathe before your presentation and frequently during its course.

You have all come across the speaker whose voice becomes progressively more croaky as the dialogue winds on, especially in a warm venue. The audience finds itself looking at the glass of cold clear water … Read the full article

You must never give up – How GoPro Made Nicholas Woodman a Billionaire

This video starts as the GoPro Founder and CEO, Nicholas Woodman steps  off his private jet and exclaims MANY THANKS TO THE UNIVERSE!

Nicholas says, “People think GoPro is an overnight success, but it’s a classic 10 year overnight success”.  He never gave up on his dream even though he had his fair share of failure with broken prototypes.

So many highly successful people have experienced more than one ‘failure’, but they treat it as feedback and learn from it.

He explains how he was board surfing for inspiration and had his light bulb moment.  He found something he was … Read the full article

Compound Experience



As there is power in financial compound interest, there is also power in compound experience.  There is a vast difference between compound interest and that of compound experience.

Financial compound interest takes a long time to start producing financial results for the normal person on the outside of the financial know how circle. For instance, you could save $100 on a monthly basis and invest it in a savings account. If your investment appreciates by 2 % on a yearly basis over a period of 30 years you’ll end up with just under $50,000.

While that sounds like useful … Read the full article

Program Your Subconscious Mind As You Logon


We use passwords everyday to login into essential lifestyle facilities such as online banking. Secure passwords can be a pain to remember, so change your passwords to something you would like to achieve and make them more secure at the same time.

Many people have a few different passwords. You can change them to affect different areas of your life.

For example lets say you intend to receive $100,000 by December 1st.  A good password could be 100GrandDec1.

This combines your goal and at the same time is easy to remember,and the combination of characters helps to make the password … Read the full article

Snap Out Of It

rubber band

It is said that we receive what we focus on. This can come about by positive and negative thoughts. The first step in countering negative thoughts is to be aware of what you are thinking and your beliefs. This is not always easy as the belief through your thoughts may be so ingrained that you have trouble countering it.

One of the techniques to counter negative thoughts is to stretch a plain old rubber band on your wrist. As soon as that enveloping negative thought starts, pull back the rubber band and snap it. Your brain is diverted into focusing … Read the full article

Reasons to Become More Conscious


What are the actual benefits of becoming more conscious?  Why would anyone care to do this?  And what the heck does it even mean to raise your consciousness anyway?

While raising your consciousness can certainly enhance your spiritual development, this isn’t really a spiritual issue at its core.  It’s really about hardcore mental development.

What does it mean to become more conscious?  I define it as the progressive realization of conscious mastery over your mind.  This includes all of the following:

  • making careful, intelligent, and deliberate decisions
  • maintaining a positive emotional state regardless of circumstances
  • developing empowering beliefs while purging
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Polarity And The Law Of Attraction


Every intention has a content component plus an energy component, and both are equally important when it comes to applying the Law of Attraction.  At the end of that article, I asserted that the energy component of every intention has a polarity.  Now we’re going to explore polarity, which is the key to understanding intentional energy.

Do your best to keep an open mind as you read this article.  The concepts are what’s important here, so try not to get hung up on the particular words used to describe them.

What is polarity?

In order to define polarity, we need

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Be Patient With Self-Conditioning


When you use the priming effect or any other daily reinforcement technique to condition yourself for success, abundance, or other positive changes, patience is key.

During the first week or two, it will usually seem like your efforts are having little or no effect. But if the technique is effective, then usually within several weeks after you begin, you’ll start seeing significant shifts in your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors. At some point you’ll observe that you seem to be making huge leaps forward every week.

From Minor Pattern to Major Pattern

Daily conditioning seems to be ineffective at first

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The Law of Attraction


The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about.  Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.  But the Law of Attraction gives rise to some tough questions that don’t seem to have good answers.  These problems aren’t caused by the Law of Attraction itself but rather by the Law of Attraction as applied to objective reality.

Here are some of those problematic questions:

  • What happens when people put out conflicting intentions, like two people intending to get the same promotion when only one position is available?
  • Do children, babies, and/or animals
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